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                  TOWN OF GREENBURGH
THURSDAY, March 28, 2019 – 6:30 P.M.

  1. CAC Members Present:
  2. Town of Greenburgh:
  3. Others:
Feb. 28, 2019
4.   COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION (possibly with bio-diesel trucks) OF ORGANIG WASTE
Develop plans for analysis, report what happens to Greenburgh's waste - S. Washington
a.   Case No. PB 19-07 – St. Andrews Golf Course, 10 Old Jackson Avenue P.O. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. (Wetland/Watercourse Permit)
A wetland/watercourse permit application involving the proposed reconfiguration of the entryway to the St. Andrews Golf Course property, located at 10 Old Jackson Avenue, P.O. Hastings-on-Hudson. The project involves a proposal to improve the process involved with Club members, residents and guest arrival to the property. The applicant intends to remove the security guard from the gate house, and install a gate system which will allow members and residents access to the property through a card reader. Guests would pull up to an intercom/camera system to gain access to the site. Proposed improvements include the installation of new gates, a call box and cameras, as well as the reconfiguration of a portion of the existing driveway and related curbing. The project area is located within a watercourse buffer area and floodplain area. The applicant proposes approximately 2,794 sq. ft. of disturbance within the 13,068 sq. ft. of watercourse buffer area located within the project area on-site. The applicant proposes approximately 15 cubic yards of excavation, and approximately 20 cubic yards of imported fill. There are no regulated trees proposed for removal in connection with the project. The subject property consists of approximately 6,788,390 sq. ft. (155.84 acres), and is situated on the northerly side of Old Jackson Avenue, approximately 300 ft. west of the intersection of Old Jackson Avenue and Jackson Avenue. The property are situated in a PUD – Planned Unit Development Zoning District, and is designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 8.500-351-1..SA.
b.   Case No. PB 19-04 MacMillan – 39 Ridge Road, P.O. Hartsdale NY – Planning Board Wetland/Watercourse Permit
A wetland/watercourse permit application involving: (1) the proposed re-grading of the rear yard of an existing single-family residential property; (2) the proposed piping (95 linear feet of 12” rigid HDPE pipe) of an on-site intermittent watercourse channel, and the directing of it to another on-site watercourse, both located in the rear yard of the subject property, which includes the proposed construction of a 3-foot concrete headwall at the intersection of the two watercourse channels, to make the rear yard space more usable for the property owners; (3) the proposed installation of a drainage system around the existing residence, to direct roof leaders into the proposed piping in the rear yard; (4) a proposed 400 sq. ft. expansion of the existing driveway; (5) the proposed construction of a 3-foot high stone retaining wall approx. 110 linear feet in length along the southerly property line; (6) the proposed installation of a 6-foot high vinyl fence along portions of the south side and rear yards; (7) the removal of eight (8) regulated trees from the site; and (8) the proposed installation of twenty eight (28) trees and various wetland mitigation plantings on the property. The watercourse and watercourse buffer area on the applicant’s property consists of approximately 29,759 sq. ft., and the applicant is proposing approximately 17,000 sq. ft. of disturbance. The applicant proposes 0 cubic yards of excavation, and approximately 650 cubic yards of imported fill, requiring a Fill Permit through the Town Engineer, to carry out the project. The subject properties consist of approx. 47,250 sq. ft. and are situated on the westerly side of Ridge Road, approximately 475 ft. south of the intersection of Ridge Rd. and W. Hartsdale Ave. The properties are situated in the R-20 One-Family Residence District, and are designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 8.190-139-4 & 5.
6.   ON-GOING ITEMS - updates when available
  • Update on status of Tree Law
  • Elmwood
  • 4 Corners proposal
  • Excess Food for Needy Law
  • Development process and procedures – local land use advisory committees
  • Alternate Member
  • 2018 Annual Report
  • SWAB
  • Web Page
  • Disposable Bag Fee

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