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Lee F. Jackson Conference Room
Town of Greenburgh Town Hall
177 Hillside Avenue
Greenburgh, NY 10607
 July 18, 2024, 6:30 p.m.

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  2. Minutes 5/16/24 meeting
  3. Financial Disclosure Forms
  4. Ethics Training Update
  5. Vote on Request for Opinion
  6. Citizen Complaint
  7. Correspondence
  8. Vacancies on Board of Ethics
  9. Next Meeting Date
Agenda items may not necessarily be taken in the above order.  Also, listing of items on the agenda is subject to time permitted to reach the item prior to the scheduled conclusion of the meeting.
Pursuant to Town Code 570-11(F) all written opinions, advisory opinions, findings and recommendations shall be a matter of public record, and shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk.  Prior to the time of issuance, to the extent required and permitted by law, all deliberations shall be confidential and information shall be kept confidential.
Board of Ethics Rule 4.j. “Public Participation.  The public may and is encouraged to attend open meetings of the Board of Ethics.  The public does not attend when the BOE convenes in Executive Session.  At open meetings, allowing the public to speak is within the discretion of the BOE.  However, it is the intent of the BOE, subject to reasonable rules as it may impose, to allow the public to speak.  A public comment period may be scheduled on the agenda.  Public comment is subject to the necessary rule of avoiding excessive repetition, obstructionism or personal attacks.  The Chairman, or a majority of the members present, may rule that a speaker is out of order.”
Correspondence to the Board of Ethics should be submitted to  

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