THURSDAY, January 2, 2020 – 8:00 P.M.

Meetings of the Planning Board will be adjourned at 11:00 p.m.





Case No. PB 19-10 Youth Mission of Life Church, 375 Dobbs Ferry Road (P.O. White Plains, N.Y.) – Amended Site Plan, Planning Board Steep Slope Permit & Wetland/Watercourse Permit A public hearing to discuss an amended site plan, Planning Board steep slope permit and wetland/watercourse permit application for a proposal to construct an approximately 5,000 sq. ft. rubber-surfaced basketball court, together with permeable pavers surrounding the court, an approximately 150 linear foot, 4-foot high stone retaining wall, and related improvements. The applicant proposes approximately 3,310 sq. ft. of disturbance to 15-25% slopes (STEEP SLOPES), 800 sq. ft. of disturbance to 25-35% slopes (VERY STEEP SLOPES), and 4,000 sq. ft. of disturbance to 35%+ slopes (EXCESSIVELY STEEP SLOPES). The project requires approximately 230 cubic yards of excavation. The applicant proposes approximately 2,800 sq. ft. of wetland/watercourse buffer disturbance within the 65,850 sq. ft. of watercourse and adjacent buffer area on the subject property. The applicant proposes the removal of twelve (12) regulated trees from the subject property, and has prepared a landscaping plan which calls for the planting of: four (4) Serviceberry trees, twenty-eight (28) Winterberry shrubs, sixteen (16) Cinnamon ferns, fourteen (14) Christmas ferns, and twenty (20) Wood ferns, as replacement, between the area of the proposed work and the on-site watercourse areas. The property consists of approximately 173,804 sq. ft. (3.99 acres) and is situated on the southerly side of Dobbs Ferry Road (NYS Route 100B), approximately 250 feet east of the intersection of Dobbs Ferry Road and West Hartsdale Avenue. The property is situated in the R-20 One-Family Residence District, and is designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 8.141-94-20.


Case No. TB 19-03/PB 19-31 Lewis Masters Holdings, LP (Shoprite), 320 Saw Mill River Road (P.O. Elmsford, N.Y.) – Site Plan (Referral from Town Board), Special Permit (Restaurant – Zoning Board of Appeals), Area Variance (Zoning Board of Appeals), Shared Parking Reduction (Planning Board approval) Planning Board Steep Slope Permit, and Tree Removal Permit (Town Forestry Officer approval)A public discussion and public hearing to discuss a site plan (Town Board approval – referral to Planning Board), Planning Board steep slope permit, and shared parking reduction (Planning Board approval) application for a project involving the proposed redevelopment of a site containing a now closed movie theater and associated retail building. The proposal includes the demolition of an existing 42,000 sq. ft. multiplex cinema and separate multi-level retail building, and the construction of a new 75,711 sq. ft. grocery store with an accessory interior restaurant space, together with 13,765 sq. ft. of attached separate retail space, a 3,000 sq. ft. retail outbuilding towards the front of the lot, and associated site grading, parking and stormwater management facilities. The applicant proposes to construct 520 off-street parking spaces where 544 spaces are required. A shared parking reduction of 24 parking spaces is sought, requiring approval by the Planning Board. The project involves approximately 427,436 sq. ft. of disturbance, with 12,257 sq. ft. of proposed disturbance on 15-25% slopes (STEEP SLOPES), 4,725 sq. ft. of disturbance on 25-35% slopes (VERY STEEP SLOPES), and 6,317 sq. ft. of disturbance on 35%+ slopes (EXCESSIVELY STEEP SLOPES).  The project requires approximately 37,000 cubic yards of excavation and 0 cubic yards of imported fill. The applicant proposes the removal of 218 trees, requiring a tree removal permit from the Town Forestry Officer. The project also requires a special permit and area variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The property consists of approximately 458,437 sq. ft. and is situated on the northeast corner of Saw Mill River Road and Old Country Road. The applicant proposes to reconfigure the existing signaled intersection at Saw Mill River Road and construct a new driveway along Old Country Road. The property is located in the DS – Designed Shopping District, and is designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 7.120-19-25.


Case No. TB 19-20 Designed Shopping (DS) District – Fueling Stations – Zoning Text Amendment (Referral from Town Board)A public discussion to discuss a zoning text amendment referral from the Town Board involving a petition submitted by Sam’s Club to allow automotive fuel station uses as special permit uses, within the DS – Designed Shopping District. If approved, the petitioner seeks to construct eight (8) pumps containing sixteen (16) fueling positions, a 192 sq. ft. service building, a fourty (40) feet by one hundred twenty (120) feet canopy, and three (3) underground storage tanks within the existing parking lot of Sam’s Club, located at 333 Saw Mill River Road, P.O. Elmsford. The applicant’s site consists of approximately 555,738 sq. ft. (12.758 acres) and is situated on the west side of Saw Mill River Road, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Warehouse Lane and Saw Mill River Road. The property is located in the DS – Designed Shopping District, and is designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 7.180-52-32.


Case No. PB 19-28 Sunningdale Country Club, 300 Underhill Road (P.O. Scarsdale, N.Y.) – Planning Board Steep Slope Permit & Wetland/Watercourse PermitA work session to discuss a Planning Board steep slope permit and wetland/watercourse permit application consisting of the proposed piping (170 linear feet) of an existing watercourse which runs through the play area of the 16th hole fairway, which will be redesigned to run through an open bottom culvert crossing and outlet to the existing drainage course on the opposite side of the fairway. The associated wetland areas on each side of the watercourse are to proposed be filled, and a mitigation area of 1.5 times its size is proposed, which will provide enhanced wetland functions in this portion of the golf course. The applicant proposes to disturb approximately 21,360 sq. ft. of wetland/watercourse buffer area (~3,800 sq. ft. of direct wetland/watercourse disturbance) on the subject property, in connection with its proposal. The applicant proposes an approximately 6,000 sq. ft. wetland mitigation area with a focus to preserve and enhance runoff control and groundwater recharge potential, while providing a multi-strata diversified planting scheme. The applicant proposes approximately 4,110 sq. ft. of disturbance on 15-25% slopes (STEEP SLOPES), 210 sq. ft. of disturbance on 25-35% slopes (VERY STEEP SLOPES), and 120 sq. ft. of disturbance on 35%+ slopes (EXCESSIVELY STEEP SLOPES). The project requires approximately 25 cubic yards of excavation and 1,140 cubic yards of fill, to be utilized from on-site sources. The property consists of approximately 5,544,752 sq. ft. (127.3 acres), and is situated on the north side of Underhill Road. The property is located in the R-30 One-Family Residence District, and is designated on the tax map of the Town of Greenburgh as Parcel ID: 8.351-255-1.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Greenburgh Planning Board will be Wednesday, January 15, 2020 and will begin at 8:00 P.M. in the Greenburgh Town Hall Auditorium.