177 Hillside Avenue, Greenburgh, NY 10607
Tel: 914-989-1500 Fax: 914-993-1541
Town of Greenburgh
Work Session of the Greenburgh Town Board
Agenda: Tuesday – January 28, 2020 – 4:30 P.M.

(Please note that, although the Work Session Agenda is shared with the public prior to each Work Session, the Agenda may be revised at any point up to the start of the meeting as well as during the meeting, if necessary.)

(All Work Sessions are Televised Live on Cablevision Channel 76, Verizon 35 and are streamed live. Work Sessions and Town Board Meetings will be aired each Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 7:02am and 4:45pm. Each segment will run for approximately 6 to 7 hours,
depending upon the length of the two meetings.)
4:30 P.M.:

Open Meeting
  • Open Meeting
  • Governor's Traffic Safety Committee - Chuck Conroy/Governor's Highway Safety Program Manager
  1. Pedestrian Accidents in Greenburgh - What action steps the Town could be taking going forward.
  2. Status Update - Effort to get Traffic Light on Central Avenue near Lawton (Sacred Heart Church), site of a pedestrian accident this past summer involving two pedestrians
  3. Next Steps - Fort Hill Sidewalk and Safety Initiative
  4. Education Initiatives being Organized by Police
  5. Digital Speed Signs - Requesting Purchase and Placement around Town
  6. Seeking Legislation for Digital Speed Cameras
  • Fire Districts
  • Social Media Policy
  • Census 2020 Complete Count
  • Motion for Executive Session by _____ 2nd by _____ Aye _____
  • Adjourn
  • Upcoming Work Sessions / Events / Meetings with the Town Board
Upcoming Work Sessions / Events / Meetings with the Town Board