Town of Greenburgh Board of Ethics
Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Town Hall, Steven Belasco Conference Center

Board Members Present: Doris Friedman, Esq.; Blase Spinozzi (by teleconference); Craig Zumsteg.

Carol Sarcinella, EdD. Outgoing member, outgoing secretary.

Volunteer Counsel: Joseph Malara, Esq.

Also present: Chris Cuomo.
  1. Meeting was convened at 6:40 p.m. A quorum of the Board of Ethics was present.
  2. Adopted the Agenda.
  3. Adopted the Minutes of the December 11, 2018, meeting.
  4. Correspondence. One confidential request for an Advisory Opinion was received.
  5. Chairperson Doris Friedman welcomed Chris Cuomo, who is interested in serving on the Board.
  6. Ethics Training. No report.
  7. Request for an Advisory Opinion – Executive Session. On January 17, 2019, The Board of Ethics received a confidential request for an Advisory Opinion regarding whether it would violate the Code of Ethics for a town employee to become a volunteer member of a board in another county The Board of Ethics entered Executive Session to discuss this matter.
  8. Samis letter discussion. Mr. Samis’s suggested that there are a number of deficiencies in the Annual Statement of Financial Disclosure for the Town of Greenburgh. Mr. Samis felt that the disclosure should be expanded to include a broader range of family affiliations and definitions of ownership of or interest in property or businesses. The Board members felt that although the disclosure may not cover every potential family member or method of ownership that could exist, it is believed that the Code of Ethics itself is specific enough and every signatory of a disclosure is obligated to follow the strictures of the code. The Board of Ethics believes that language to that effect could act as a reminder and therefore proposes one clarification to the Annual Statement of Financial Disclosure to that effect.
  9. Elections.
    1. Secretary: Blase Spinozzi was the sole nomination. He was approved unanimously.
    2. Chairperson: Doris Friedman, Esq. was the sole nomination. She was unanimously approved.
  10. Annual Report. Chairperson Doris Friedman presented a draft of the Annual Report.
  11. Public Comments: None.
  12. Vote on any matter postponed by the BOE until after public comments: None.
  13. Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 5, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Submitted by:

Craig Zumsteg, acting secretary